Hervé Werner
2015-06-10 12:22:31 UTC
Rsnapshot is able to create temporary LVM snapshots to backup datas so that it has a consistent view of the whole volume, and that's great. Today LVM also offers thin provisionning (for more information : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Logical_Volume_Manager_Administration/thinly-provisioned_snapshot_volumes.html). As for rsnapshot this would permit :
to simplify lthe lvcreate command (and the user configuring rsnapshot) by discarding the size option
to create snapshot of snapshot. Eg I use thin snapshots to quickly backup my datas daily and then I also rely on rsnapshot to backup the latest snapshot on an external disk weekly
Please see attached a quick & dirty patch I did for my needs. To use it you only need to put in rsnapshot.conf :
linux_lvm_snapshotsize = 'lvmthin' # (lvmthin instead of a LVM size)
If you are interested in adding this feature in rsnapshot but would like this patch to get reworked, I'd be glad to help.
Rsnapshot is able to create temporary LVM snapshots to backup datas so that it has a consistent view of the whole volume, and that's great. Today LVM also offers thin provisionning (for more information : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Logical_Volume_Manager_Administration/thinly-provisioned_snapshot_volumes.html). As for rsnapshot this would permit :
to simplify lthe lvcreate command (and the user configuring rsnapshot) by discarding the size option
to create snapshot of snapshot. Eg I use thin snapshots to quickly backup my datas daily and then I also rely on rsnapshot to backup the latest snapshot on an external disk weekly
Please see attached a quick & dirty patch I did for my needs. To use it you only need to put in rsnapshot.conf :
linux_lvm_snapshotsize = 'lvmthin' # (lvmthin instead of a LVM size)
If you are interested in adding this feature in rsnapshot but would like this patch to get reworked, I'd be glad to help.