Thiep Duong
2016-03-05 00:33:41 UTC
I'm new user on rsnapshot-discuss group, and hope someone can help to
answer this.
I have a local dis mounted (/etc/fstab)
/dev/sdb1  /snapshot ext4  default 0 0
/snapshot  /root/snapshot  none bind 0 0  /backup  nfs  ro,soft,intr  0 0
the /root/snapshot is exported to other system to be mount as read-ony
Problem I have is that local user can go into /snapshot and able to
write/modify data in there.
If I mount /dev/sdb1  /snapshot ext4 ro  (read-only), then
even root cannot write to it.
Question:Â how to properly protect this?
You can tell me if there is correct way to set up on your side. And
Thanks in advance
answer this.
I have a local dis mounted (/etc/fstab)
/dev/sdb1  /snapshot ext4  default 0 0
/snapshot  /root/snapshot  none bind 0 0  /backup  nfs  ro,soft,intr  0 0
the /root/snapshot is exported to other system to be mount as read-ony
Problem I have is that local user can go into /snapshot and able to
write/modify data in there.
If I mount /dev/sdb1  /snapshot ext4 ro  (read-only), then
even root cannot write to it.
Question:Â how to properly protect this?
You can tell me if there is correct way to set up on your side. And
Thanks in advance